Landscape black and white photo taken from a black metal shelf in the Artexte collection. The right and left sections of the photo are occupied by the open shelves of the documentary collection and the document storage boxes, in shades of grey and beige, which occupy all the available shelves. The black-painted floor reflects the neon lights that illuminate the row of shelves. At the end of the row is a partial view of the Artexte reading room. Wooden tables with documents on them suggest research in progress.
October 15 – November 29, 2024

Artexte's annual fundraising campaign – 2024 edition

Campaign’s goal: $6 000   Over the past 40 years, Artexte documentation centre has amassed a collection of over 36,000 printed documents. Artexte plays a unique role within the visual arts ecosystem by preserving a collective memory. We are eager…