Fall 2013
Daniel Canty‘s residency project revolves around his literary trilogy titled Bucky Ball, a novel that connects the real and imaginary worlds of science-fiction, the author’s childhood in Montreal in the 1960s, and the architecture of Expo ’67. Canty’s residency will…
November 16, 2013 - 2:30 PM to 7 PM

A day of craft research and discussion with Nicole Burisch and Anthea Black

Tour of the Artexte collection and presentation by Nicole Burisch of selected documents at 2:30 PM As a 2012-2013 researcher in residence, Nicole Burisch has investigated the presence and position of craft within Artexte’s collection. Using a broad view on…
October 2013
This week, Artexte welcomes Winnipeg curator Kegan McFadden, who is researching independent zines and magazines produced by Canadian artists, collectives, and artist-run centres during the 1990s. Kegan’s project is supported by the Manitoba Arts Council’s Manitoba-New Brunswick-Quebec creative residency program,…
September 28, 2013, 12 PM to 5 PM

Journées de la culture 2013 with Meredith Carruthers and Emmelyne Pornillos

As part of this year’s Journées de la culture, Artexte will be offering an artist’s book workshop inspired by the Bookmobile collection. Participants will learn a variety of bookbinding techniques with simple materials to create their own artist book. All…
October 3, 2013 - 1 PM

Conference by Bartolomé Ferrando and tour of Artexte collection

During his presentation, renowned Spanish artist Bartolomé Ferrando will discuss the theories outlined in his most recent publication Arte y cotidianeidad. Hacia la transformación de la vida en arte (Art and Everyday life. Towards the transformation of life into art).…
Artexte welcomes Tomasz Neugebauer, e-Artexte Researcher in Residence. Tomasz Neugebauer’s research interests are focused on the design and development of information sources in digital formats. His professional experience includes digital media publishing and software development. Neugebauer is interested in the…