Artexte’s blog: a place for exchange, experimentation and sharing of ideas related to research in contemporary art.

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Photographie couleur format carré de sept petits livres empilés en éventail.

Launch | Sites of Photographic Knowledge

Artexte Editions x FAEP

Image format carré montrant une salle d'archives reconstituée, avec bureau et bibliothèque au mur contenant des boîtes d'archives. Sur l'image est écrit : « Annual call for proposals. Artexte research residency program, 2025-2026. »

Annual call for proposals

Artexte's research residency program — 2025-2026

Landscape colour photo showing a detail from the "Setting the Table" exhibition. White shelves occupy the white wall of the Artexte exhibition room. Several coloured documents and publications are visible, or partially visible. On the left, in the foreground of the photo, the back of a light-coloured wooden chair is visible, alongside a partially visible table covered in a tablecloth coloured blue with orange and red motifs.

Discussion about Setting the Table

with Marc-Antoine K. Phaneuf, and Karen Tam 譚嘉文


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