An exhibition by Artexte and Vidéographe
November 16 - December 17, 2016
Opening reception: Wednesday, November 16, from 5:30 PM
Match Cuts 1975 is a call-and-response conversation between two collections. This first collaborative and experimental assemblage of video and print documents takes 1975 as a juncture around which the role and value of the art institution and the artist were re-examined and redefined. This exhibition presents a new video created from Vidéographe sources, and ephemeral documents, catalogues, monographs, and critical texts from Artexte’s holdings. Together, the video and print documents from our respective collections reveal a push to recast the public’s relationship with the art institution and the artist. Actions, words and voices fundamental to the discourse and debates, are the points of contact linking the documents produced around this catalytic time.
Two people are fundamental to this project. The video presented here is produced with the support of art historian Rose-Marie Arbour, who gave permission to re-edit and present interviews she conducted in 1976 with Fernande Saint-Martin, director of the Musée d’art contemporain de Montréal (1972–1977), Lucette Bouchard, co-director of Galerie MÉDIA, and Normand Thériault, curator, arts organizer and art critic. This exhibition is equally supported by the crucial voice and work of Thériault through the archive he entrusted to Artexte.