122 pp.
Tetxs in English and French
30 b&w, 27 colours illustrations
22.8 cm x 15.8 cm
Artexte Editions, 2023
ISBN 978-2-923045-46-7
The Studio
Edited by Martha Langford and Marisa Portolese
Published in collaboration with Formes actuelles de l’expérience photographique : épistémologies, pratiques, histoires (FAEP).
The studio is a spatio-temporal concept and sometimes just a dream. […] to be “in the studio” is supposed to be occupying not just a productive space, but a non-productive one, for false starts and failures, for rumination.
— Martha Langford
In collaboration with Marisa Portolese, Eduardo Ralickas, Stéphanie Hornstein, and Pedro Barbáchano.
Consult the table of contents HERE
122 pp.
Tetxs in English and French
30 b&w, 27 colours illustrations
22.8 cm x 15.8 cm
Artexte Editions, 2023
ISBN 978-2-923045-46-7