  • Softcover
    196 pp. (including covers)
    196 illustrations b&w
    25,5 x 19,5 cm
    Montréal and Zûrich
    Artexte Editions/Nieves, 2012
    ISBN 9783905999082

Call Ampersand Response

Call Ampersand Response by Michael Dumontier & Micah Lexier


This publication is a collaborative bookwork made of images exchanged via email. Over a period of several months, Dumontier and Lexier sustained an image-based correspondence by sending each other scans of book covers, found objects, drawings and illustrations belonging to each artist’s respective collection. The project is based on the idea that their collections speak of their shared artistic affinities while informing their practices. Two rules dictated their conduct: each image was to function as a “call” seeking a “response” from the other artist, and the dialogue was to end when an image recalling the project’s opening image emerged, thereby constituting a narrative loop.

  • Softcover
    196 pp. (including covers)
    196 illustrations b&w
    25,5 x 19,5 cm
    Montréal and Zûrich
    Artexte Editions/Nieves, 2012
    ISBN 9783905999082