Opening a file

Artist, curator and art critic files We invite artists, curators and researchers to contribute documents and publications about their work and to keep their files updated over time. We encourage you to open a file in order to help disseminate your practice to researchers and to contribute to knowledge production in contemporary art.

These files are an integral part of the permanent collection and are always available to researchers.

Instructions on submitting a file


Become a depositor to e-artexte

In order to deposit in e-artexte, interested parties must first become members and pay an annual fee based on their operating budget. Individual depositors (professional art critics, curators, historians, artists and theorists) can deposit their publications for free.

The advantages of depositing publications on e-artexte include:

  • greater visibility online
  • consistent URLs for citation and sharing
  • Increased readership and access to new publics
  • contextualizing documents on a thematic repository
  • innovative reuse of metadata which highlights the contents of the collection