Spring 2021
“Beginning with history, depending on how you understand it, could quite easily keep you going almost indefinitely, one thing leading to the next, till you got to your end, never perhaps having gotten past the beginning.” [1] — Anne Ramsden
Artexte’s invitation to do a residency is an opportunity for Sophie Jodoin to pursue her reflections around language, its relationship to image, and its role in the construction of identity and representation of the feminine. How does one(re)embody archives, (re)incarnate their “voice”, translate them, differently? True to her work process of —excavating, collecting, editing— Sophie sets out for a simultaneously intuitive and methodical exploration of Artexte’s files on Canadian artists who identify as women. Through chosen visual and literary fragments, a resulting filmic collage will explore the mother-daughter bond in the manner of a diary that oscillates between reality and fiction.
Sophie Jodoin is a visual artist who questions manifestations of femininity, intimacy, loss, absence, and language. Her hybrid practice combines drawing, collage, writing, found object, installation and video. In 2017, she was the recipient of the Prix Louis-Comtois as well as the Prix Giverny Capital. She lives and works in Montreal.
[1] Anne Ramsden, Océanie = Oceania, Éditions Artextes, 1988, p.6.