Participatory Art and the Eternal Network
From the comfort of your home, Artexte invites you to explore the practices of artists, researchers, and cultural workers in the contemporary art milieu in Quebec and Canada through texts, publications and media dealing with a range of themes and perspectives developed by the Artexte staff and inspired by the interests of our community. Through our collection, events and blog articles, which include audio-visual capsules of lectures, audio interviews and writings, we invite you to explore Artexte’s various digital platforms and online resources.
For this third edition of Artexte at Home, we explore participatory art practices through our collection. On this occasion, we are delighted to present an interview with Anna Banana, a pioneer of participatory art. Anna discusses her artistic practice, her early career, and her vision to create art that is accessible to everyone by eliminating the hierarchy between the artist and audience in order to create participatory works that engage with the public.
Anna Banana’s participatory practices also extend to mail art, a practice of communication and exchange of works through the postal system. In these times of pandemic and isolation, it is sometimes difficult to stay connected to each other, but through mail art we can discover the eternal network that presents a vision of continuous communication and collaboration between artists.
New on Artexte’s Blog :
Consult our new article You are the Artist of Your Life: An Interview with Anna Banana
To listen to Anna Banana’s interview :
In english
By : Jessica Hébert
On : October 2nd, 2019
Reading list :
Discover these suggestions from our librarians to discover more about participatory art practices and mail art :
e-artexte resources :
- Ricketts, Kathryn. The Moveable Feast. Regina, Sask.: Dunlop Art Gallery, 2015. (EN)
- Kreplak, Yaël. “Quelles interactions en art contemporain = Which Interactions in Contemporary Art?” Esse: 63. Printemps / été 2008. (2008). (FR)
- Neumark, Devora. “Entre Nous : Valeurs communes et pratiques créatives partagées.” Esse: 48. Printemps / Été. (2003). (FR)
- Rainville, Mélanie. Interactions. Montréal, Qc: Galerie Leonard & Bina Ellen Art Gallery, 2012. (FR/EN)
- Cottingham, Steven and Beaulieu, Derek and Rezaei, Mohammad and Sorell, Lindsay and Volkman, Marilyn. Atlas Sighed: The 2014 Calgary Biennial. Calgary, Alta.: Calgary Biennial, 2014. (EN)
- Ardenne, Paul and Ninacs, Anne-Marie and Loubier, Patrice and Roy, Daniel and Le Squer, Serge and Koh, Germaine and Léonard, Emmanuelle and Jacob, Louis and Fraser, Marie and Dufrasne, Martin et al. Les commensaux : Quand l’art se fait circonstances = Les commensaux : When Art Becomes Circumstance. Montréal, Qc: Centre des arts actuels Skol, 2001. (FR/EN)
- Côté, Réjean-F.. Circulaire 132 : No 03. Québec, Qc: Côté, Réjean-F., 2006 (FR)
- Radio atelier : l’émission des travailleur.euse.s culturel.le.s // Saison 4 : No. 51 — 15 juillet 2019. Montréal, Québec: CIBL-FM, 2019. [Audio, visual, multimedia] (Chronique de Mathieu Robillard sur l’art postal) (FR)
Additional online resources :
- Hoffberg, Judith ed. Umbrella: Santa Monica, CA: Umbrella Associates, 1978-2008 (EN)
- Carrión, Ulises ed. Ephemera: A Monthly Journal of Mail and Ephemeral Works (EN)
- Martel, Richard ed. Inter, art actuel. No 34, hiver 1987, Numéro spéciale sur Réparation de poésie (FR)
- Entrevue avec Anna Banana avec le Art Gallery of Greater Victoria au sujet de la revue VILE (EN)