Artexte on Tap 10 : Decolonial Alliances

November 20, 2019 - 5:30 PM

In the settler-colonial context of the place known as Canada, histories of colonization and slavery on this land are often overlooked. Similarly, the historical mistreatment of migrants of colour is disregarded while it continues to affect their everyday lives. BIPOC communities have resisted independently and collaboratively against domination and erasure for decades, even centuries. Thinking through these complex relationships is crucial for deep sustainable change.

This tenth edition of Artexte on Tap proposes to complicate our understanding of decolonization by challenging the binary perception that these issues involve primarily white relationships with Indigenous peoples. What does solidarity with Indigenous peoples look like for people who’ve been forced into a settler colonial context? How do we contend with the legacies of slavery and forced displacement while still fighting for decolonization and the respect of Indigenous rights on this land? The evening will highlight texts by BIPOC writers thinking through decolonization and solidarity. Visitors will be invited to read excerpts from the selected documents or B.Y.O.T. (bring your own text!) and to join into a reflection on the multiple layers involved in decolonial actions.


Artexte on Tap is an ongoing series that takes place every two months, providing an occasion to engage in dialogue and share a drink in the library. Guided by specific themes and introduced by Artexte’s librarians and invited guests, a selection of documents will be presented to allow opportunities for discovery and to generate informal conversations about contemporary art and documentation.