February 16, 2019 - 3 PM
In the context of the exhibition Inside/Outside: Images of the LAND in Artexte’s Collection, we are pleased to invite you to a guided visit with Gentiane Bélanger. During this visit, Bélanger will offer a parallel reflection in response to the context proposed by the exhibition.
With Inside/Outside, art historian Karla McManus traces a unique path through Artexte’s collection, underlining a non-hegemonic, culturally mixed and politically sharp narrative around Canadian land. It is observed, documented and commented on by Canadian artists occupying various standpoints with dominant narratives: Indigenous, metis, settler, migrant. An annotated art history thus emerges from the documents gathered in this exhibition.
This guided visit takes its cues from the critical engagement with land and art history, focusing on the role played by archives within this re-reading. Thus, a few examples of Canadian international artistic archival practices relating to land will be placed in dialogue with the content of the exhibition.
Gentiane Bélanger is the director-curator of Foreman art gallery, a PhD candidate in art history at l’Université du Québec à Montréal, and a member of the Board of directors of the Sporobole centre.