Léa Trudel et Eve Lafontaine, Artexte, 2018.

Artexte on Tap 7: Landscape Photography

February 20, 2019 - 5:30 PM to 8 PM

To expand on the reflections brought forth by Karla McManus’ current exhibition, Inside/Outside: Images of the LAND in Artexte’s collection, and of Carlos Ipser’s ­­­­Sunroom project, Artexte invites you to an animated evening of discussion about landscape photography by artists in Canada. A selection of documents from the Artexte collection will serve as a point of departure for a convivial exchange on our relationship to nature, and the social and environmental impact that we as humans have on the landscape.

The work of artists like Benoit Aquin, Edward Burtynsky, Genevieve Chevalier, Sorel Cohen and many more will illustrate various modalities of landscape photography, including but not limited to: the urban and industrial landscape, protected green zones – revealing different parameters for access to nature – as well as the “national” Canadian landscape and its critical redefinition within contemporary practices.


Artexte on Tap is an ongoing series that takes place every two months, providing an occasion to engage in dialogue and share a drink in the library. Guided by specific themes and introduced by Artexte’s librarians and invited guests, a selection of documents will be presented to allow opportunities for discovery and to generate informal conversations about contemporary art and documentation.