December 13, 2018 - 4 PM
The tutorial will be broadcast on Zoom. Use that link to join the webinar on Thursday, December 13 at 4 pm from your personal computer.
Watch the recording on our YouTube channel !
The tutorial will be in english. Slides presented during the webinar are available in english and french.
Please note that the webinar will be simultaneously broadcast in real time and projected in Artexte’s conference room.
This tutorial on Webrecorder will give participants a working knowledge of how to build, maintain and share web archives with and use Webrecorder Player, a desktop application for accessing WARC files, to interact with web archives offline. Participants will benefit from this tutorial by gaining the ability to create high fidelity captures and build collections that can be managed and shared within or downloaded and added to larger collections of digital materials. This tutorial on Webrecorder’s suite of tools and features will include both instruction and ample time for discussion or questions. Model collections made at Artexte will be featured in this webinar to show how artists’ web based materials can be captured, curated and shared using Webrecorder.
As Associate Director of Strategic Partnerships for Webrecorder, Anna Perricci builds communities of users and is leading planning for Webrecorder’s long term sustainability. Anna is the teacher of an introductory course on web archiving (Web Archiving Fundamentals) for the Society of American Archivists’ Digital Archives Specialist program. In 2013-2015, she was instrumental to the establishment of a collaborative web archiving program for Ivy Plus libraries and has worked extensively with artists and activists including via the Occupy Wall Street Archives Working Group (2011-2013). She earned an MSI in Archives & Records Management and a graduate teaching certificate at the University of Michigan as well as a BA in history and a post-baccalaureate certificate in studio art from Brandeis University.