Artexte on Tap 6 : (Dis)Embodied Archives

Micro-residency / nènè myriam konaté

December 5, 2018 - 5:30 PM to 8 PM

This month we are trying something new with Artexte on Tap : we are now opening up the floor to the community! The Artexte on Tap series will now include micro-residencies, where we invite local artists and researchers to spend some time in the collection to organize their own selection of documents as points of discussion. We are thrilled to present the very first micro-residency featuring the thoughts and commentary of nènè myriam konaté!


(Dis)Embodied Archives seeks to create a tangible representation of the somatic archive within which I am embedded. Rather than solely constituting my own body, this archive is composed of the bodies and ideas of those I have come in contact with and been inspired by – those who influence my (in)formal research and (un)knowingly guide my practice. The archival materials I’ve selected document the practices of artists and institutions that I have (in)directly come in contact with through formal conversations/collaborations or word-of-mouth. My hope is to render visible/tangible the curatorial processes involved in interpersonal exchanges that lead to an accumulation of analogous information within individual and collective somatic archives. This process also raises the following questions: What happens when (dis)embodied archives are (re)produced and maintained by homogenous groups of bodies? What stories can(‘t) they tell?


nènè myriam konaté is a cultural connector whose practice focuses on intergenerational learning, embodied knowledge and coalition. nènè is the founder and creative director of The Clap Back, a space to informally discuss everything from pop culture phenomena to divisive political issues. nènè is also a co-founder and artistic director of Collective Culture Montreal, a platform that celebrates the voices of Black, Indigenous and racialized creatives through the development of multidisciplinary content and programming. nènè is currently working as general manager for Noble Savage, a creative agency that facilitates the collaborative development of vanguard musical experiences while making meaningful connections beyond borders. nènè’s work has been featured at AKA Artist Run Centre, SBC Gallery of Contemporary Art, Off the Page Literary Festival, Articule Artist Run Centre, and in Sophomore Mag.



Artexte on Tap is an ongoing bimonthly series that takes place every two months, providing an occasion to engage in dialogue and share a drink in the library. Guided by specific themes and introduced by Artexte’s librarians and invited guests, a selection of documents will be presented to allow opportunities for discovery and to generate informal conversations about contemporary art and documentation.