Cite on Site - A research residency presented in partnership with KAPSULA
May 2018
What if the bibliography was formatted as a network? How might we order a bibliography rhizomatically? Citing, Siting & Sighting Solidarity explores the use of this rhizomatic digital bibliographic form to map ‘solidarity’ in Canadian art history. Expanding on current doctoral work on the performative aspects of solidarity activism, Citing, Siting & Sighting Solidarity extends this project with a focus on solidarity as it appears in various and varied guises in Canadian aesthetic practice.
If solidarity is in fact performed, how are the traces of these embodied actions manifested in an archive? How can we then activate this archive? The creation of a rhizomatic digital bibliography through digital mind mapping tools allows us to visualize the horizontal relationships inherent in solidarity. This innovative form of bibliographic practice also allows us visualize and amplify the bibliography by linking to moving images, audio files, still images and texts, thereby expanding citation practices and prompting us to pose the question: how can a bibliography perform (solidarity)?
Zoë Heyn-Jones is a researcher, artist, educator and cultural worker who grew up on Saugeen Ojibway land in Ontario (Canada) and on Tz’utujil/ Kaqchikel Maya land in Guatemala. Zoë is a PhD candidate in Visual Arts at York University and a fellow at CERLAC (the Centre for Research on Latin America and the Caribbean), researching the ‘performance’ of human rights and solidarity activism in Guatemala and Canada. Zoë is a co-founder of the F4A (Film for Artists) collective and F4A’s Site + Cycle residency project that combines analogue filmmaking instruction with teachings about site specificity and organic film processing.
KAPSULA and Artexte have partnered to offer an opportunity for an emerging scholar, artist or writer working within Canada to conduct a personal research project at Artexte. The outcomes of the research residency will be published in a special issue of KAPSULA in Fall 2018.