no 2 – sci-fi
December 6, 2017 - 5:30 PM
For the second edition of Artexte on Tap, we invite you to join us for a glass of beer and conversation about science-fiction in contemporary art !
Occupying an important place in popular culture, sci-fi is also present in a wide range of artistic practices, evolving with the social, environmental and political changes of each era.
We’ll present a selection of documents from Artexte’s collection from the 60s to today, and provide an overview of our off-site exhibition The Future is Created in the Past: Science Fiction in Contemporary Art from 1967 to Now, which was presented during the International Symposium of Contemporary Art of Baie-Saint-Paul last summer.
Artexte on Tap is an ongoing series at which takes place every two months, providing an occasion to engage in dialogue and share a drink in the library. Guided by specific themes and introduced by Artexte’s librarians and invited guests, a selection of documents will be presented to allow opportunities for discovery and to generate informal conversations about contemporary art and documentation.